Monday 24 February 2014

Daniel Quiz #2 Fiery Furnace and Handwriting on the Wall Study Guide Wednesday, February 26

Daniel Quiz #2   The Fiery Furnace and the Handwriting on the Wall Study Guide

Fiery Furnace

1. What command was given at the dedication of the golden image?
When the music played, to bow down and worship the statue.

2. What punishment awaited those who disobeyed?
They would be thrown into a fiery furnace.

3. Who refused to obey the king’s command regarding the statue?
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

4. What did the three friends tell the king that showed they trusted in God?
That God would be able to deliver them, but even if He didn’t, they would still not bow down to the statue or serve the king’s gods.

5. King Nebudchadnezzer told his servants to heat the furnace seven times

hotter than usual.

6. What surprised the king when he looked into the furnace?
He saw four men walking around unharmed.

7. To whom did Nebudchadnezzer give honour?
He gave honour to the God of Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego.

Handwriting on the Wall

1. How many nobles did Belshazzar invite to his feast?
One thousand.

2.  What did Belshazzar have brought to the feast?
He brought silver and gold goblets that had come from the temple of God.

3. Whom did Belshazzar and his guests praise as they drank from these sacred vessels?
The gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron and wood.

4. What suddenly appeared and startled the entire assembly?  A hand.

5. Who was called when the wise men could not interpret the writing? Daniel.

6. What were the words, and what does each one mean?

Mene- numbered- God had numbered the days of Belshazzar.
Tekel-weighed- THis meant that Belshazzar had been evaluated and did not measure up to God’s standards
Peres- divided-Babylonia would be divided.

7. How soon was the prophecy fulfilled?
That night Belshazzar was killed and Babylonia was conquered.

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