Monday 17 March 2014

Daniel Quiz # 3 Study Guide- Monday March 24

Daniel  Quiz 3  Study Guide

The Lion’s Den

King Darius appointed 120  satraps to rule over the people directly.

Who were assigned above these men? Three administrators, including Daniel.

What job did Darius plan to give Daniel? Chief administrator in charge of the whole kingdom.

What law was made to trap Daniel? For 30 days, everyone was to pray to the king only.

Where did Daniel pray three times a day? In the upper room of his house facing Jerusalem.

Why couldn’t Darius change the law that condemned Daniel? Because according to the law of Medes and Persia, a law signed by the king could not be changed.

How did God protect Daniel in the lion’s den? God sent an angel who shut the mouths of the lions.

What happened to Daniel’s accusers? They and their entire families were thrown into the lions’ den and devoured.

Daniel’s Prayer

How did Daniel know that Judah’s captivity was nearly over? He studied the Hebrew scriptures, including Jeremiah’s prophecies that Judah would be in captivity for 70 years.

With what attitude did Daniel come to God in prayer? He humbled himself by putting on sackcloth and ashes.

What sins of Judah did Daniel list in Daniel 9:4-6?
The people had been wicked and rebelled against God.
They turned away from God’s commands.
They had not listened to the prophet’s pleas for them to repent and turn back to God.

Why did Daniel say he was making this request of God? Because God was forgiving and merciful, not because the people were worthy. God would listen to his request because he is faithful to his covenant and promises.

Who came to give Daniel an answer to his prayer? The angel Gabriel.
What was the angel’s message? The people of Judah would be able to return to their homeland.

Who would “put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness” Daniel 9:24? The “Anointed One”- the Messiah or Christ.

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